Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This is My Jam

First- many apologies on a lack of posts this past week or so!  We are SO FREAKING BUSY with wedding crap- namely, invitations- and then we took a road trip down to Alabama for more work and a fantabulous bridal shower which I will be blogging about soon!  

And now- back to the planning!

Like I mentioned last time, the main activity at our reception will (hopefully) be dancing.  We have a few tricks up our sleeve to ensure this happens, and one of which is, obviously, song requests!

We've assembled a simple little wedding website- the url of which will be included in the invitations, should they ever be finished- which will be used for many important things the closer we get to the wedding.  When a guest receives an invitation, they can visit the website to RSVP, and while they're there, they can request a song!

screencap from our website (click to enlarge)
Here's the homepage of our website that we put together with Google Sites.  Guests can click on Song Request in the menu and be taken to this page:

screencap from our website (click to enlarge)
They're greeted with these instructions:

- If your song is played, you must shout "THAT'S MY JAM!" and proceed to the center of the dance floor where you will show us your best moves.  Failure to comply may result in denial of cake.
- We won't play anything that makes our ears bleed- that means no "Call Me Maybe"
- We won't play anything considered to be an abomination of music- that means no Justin Bieber
-  We won't play anything with terribly explicit lyrics- that means no Nicki Minaj

If these rules aren't deemed too restricting, guests can scroll down and fill out this request form:

screencap from our website (click to enlarge)

This nifty little form lets guests request a song (including their names, so people have to own up to their guilty pleasures!) and deposits the results in a nifty little Google Docs spreadsheet, so we can start searching Amazon MP3 for anything that isn't already in our music collections because guess what- our DJ is my laptop!

Would you ever consider DJ'ing your own wedding?  Did you take song requests from your guests?

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