Monday, July 16, 2012

Be Our Guest(book)

Hive, I'm not gonna lie- at the past two weddings I've attended, I...don't think I signed the guestbook.  I don't remember SEEING a guestbook, so maybe there weren't any, and that wasn't a mistake on my part.  But it's more likely that the guestbook was, in fact, there, and I just missed it or otherwise forgot to sign.  Apparently a lack of guestbook signing is not uncommon in weddings nowadays- as documented recently by Mrs. Unicycle.

So it's gotten me thinking:

Do we really need a guestbook?

This looks like a job for a Pro-Con List!

Having a Guest List
-it's another way to use our beautiful engagement pictures, aside from posting them on Facebook and using them to decorate our website
-it will keep a nice record of everyone who attended
-it will be a nice keepsake of well-wishes from everyone who attended
-it's tradition

-it's ANOTHER project that has yet to be started
-if no one actually signs it, it's kind of a waste of money
-how many people actually write anything heartfelt in a guestbook?  most people scribble their names and get on with the dancing
-having one opens the door for giggling, drunken boys to write inappropriate things that will last a lifetime
-"it's tradition" is not a good reason to do anything you don't otherwise feel strongly about

Hmm.  Well, let's operate under the assumption that we're going to have one.  If we do, there are two possible options I'm looking at.  (Yes, I know there are a million different guestbook options out there, but I'm only attracted to two of them.)

A Good Old-Fashioned Scrapbook (with removable note cards for signing)
image via Scrapbooking Pleasures
 -Scrapbooking is really fun!  This could be a chance to get creative- I haven't done a scrapbook since my senior book I put together for high school graduation
-Filling the book with blank note cards scattered throughout could solve one of the reasons nobody signs guestbooks- they have to wait in line for the book!  We could have blank cards stacked on tables, along with pens, and then a collection box for them, and I can go back after the honeymoon and stick the signed cards in the empty spots.
-This could be an inexpensive option- all we'd need to buy is the scrapbooking materials and then prints of our photos

-This is a rather labor intensive option
-People STILL might not sign the cards, and that means a lot of gaps/empty cards
-Define "inexpensive".  When I put together my senior book, I spent most of my time and Bojangles paycheck at The Scrapbook Store buying pretty knick knacks for the pages because IT'S SO PRETTY.  It might end up costing just as much as option 2 (and obviously the cheapest option is forgoing a guestbook entirely...)

A Printed Photobook (with matte pages)
image via Picaboo
-Much less work!
-Should people forget/otherwise neglect to sign it, we could design the book such that empty spaces don't look quite so awkward
-Basic photobooks are offered from tons of companies for not-very-expensive

-...ok but there's still SOME work involved- you have to design the page layouts, which means more decisions...
-Again with the "define inexpensive" route- the nicer ones come with a pretty hefty price tag

So, Hive, I need your help!  Should we go with:

-The scrapbook option
-The photobook option
-Neither.  Who has physical photo albums anymore?  Besides, as noted above, nobody will sign it.

Do you use pro-con lists to make big (or not-so-big) decisions?  Do you ever sign the guestbook at weddings you attend?  Did you use a more creative option for your guestbook?  Do you still have the guestbook from your wedding, or did it turn out to be not quite the keepsake you had hoped?

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