Monday, May 14, 2012

And Remember- Bee Yourself!

from Disney's Aladdin // via

Y'all have no idea how excited I am to be joining Weddingbee!  When Mr. Potion and I first got engaged, I knew I wanted to have a wedding blog either way, but as a long-time lurker on the 'bee, I'd not-so-secretly hoped to maybe join the ranks of blogging brides that have inspired me since waaaay before I got engaged.  So, I diligently crafted my application and sent it off with "fingers and toes and ankles and wrists and eyes crossed," as I wrote in the subject line of the email, then tried to be patient as I waited for a response.  I sent in the application from our joint "wedding email" that both Mr. Potion and I have access to.  When Mr. Potion called me up one afternoon telling me to check the wedding email because there was something there for me, I honestly started to prep myself for rejection.

But I was wrong!  The lovely Mrs. Penguin was writing to tell me that they wanted me to be a Bee!  And do you know what the best part of all this was?  When I called Mr. Potion back with the good news, he was almost more excited than I was!  Mr. Potion is one of the only people in my life who understand the significance of the phrase "I'm a Bee!" without my having to launch into a complex explanation of what Weddingbee is and why I so desperately want to write for it and how this is different from the tiny little wedding blog I currently maintain.  He's even started calling me "Miss Potion" in real life, which makes me giggle like a schoolgirl :)

I'm so excited for all of you to join me and Mr. Potion as we plan what will be the most important day of our lives thus far.  But I guess before we dive into the wedding talk y'all should get to know us!

dressed up as Umbridge for the HP7pt2 premiere // {personal photo}
I am a complete and total geek- if that isn't clear to you now, it will become painfully obvious as I post about our wedding plans.  I'm a Southern girl who managed to end up just outside Washington D.C. and still hasn't quite adjusted to the North.  I'm the oldest of three daughters, which means I'm a little bossy, a little maternal, and a little type-A.  I inherited my dad's creativity, daring, and engineering brain; I inherited my mom's passion, organization, and desire to take care of EVERYONE.  I met Harry Potter at age 12 and calculus at age 16 and in both cases, it was love at first sight.  I first started experimenting with sewing in middle school and finally got a machine for my 23rd birthday- a tool which is seeing a lot of use during wedding planning!

Mr. Potion, proving he's tall enough to ride all the rides at Hershey Park // {personal photo}
Mr. Potion is also pretty nerdy, if you can't tell already.  He, too, was born and raised in the South and wound up here in Northern Virginia only because he was chasing me- not because he loves the traffic here.  Aside from his devastating good looks, his amazing sense of humor is what first made me fall for him.  He, too, sacrificed the best years of his youth in pursuit of an engineering degree, and the only visible scars left are a few grey hairs.  Mr. Potion is definitely not a hands-off groom and has almost as many ideas and opinions about the wedding day as I do!

So how did we meet, how did we fall in love, and how did he propose?

 Lucky for you, we anticipated such questions, and with the help of Mr. Potion's friend Emile, created this nifty little video:

So why Miss Potion?  Well, as I described above, Mr. Potion and I are...geeks.  There's no other word for it.  Our wedding will feature details that pay homage to all the fandoms we're a part of, so the magic and fairytale generation of monikers had a lot of attractive choices.  I briefly considered Toadstool because playing Super Mario Bros on the Wii is our favorite way to unwind, but I thought the Potion icon was super cute!  When I showed the set to Mr. Potion, that was the first one that caught his eye.  So now we're the Potions, and we can't wait for you to join us on our journey towards marriage!

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