Friday, June 1, 2012

Just Not Meant to Be

Previously, on Miss Potion's Blog:

-My dress fits PERFECTLY, no alterations needed. [And if Mr. Potion clicks that link he is D-E-D dead.]
-We picked a fall-themed color palette
-My attendants will be wearing purple dresses, my honor attendant will be wearing red, and they'll all be wearing silver shoes of their choosing

Sometimes, when you're planning a wedding, an unpleasant truth becomes painfully obvious.  It's often hard for the parties involved to accept this truth.  I myself was in denial about it for weeks before I accepted that, well, sometimes things just aren't meant to be.  Some relationships are just doomed from the start.

I'm talking, of course, about my relationship with my dream wedding shoes.

I have some very specific criteria for wedding shoes:

-A low-ish heel (1" or less)
-Comfy enough to be worn all day long
-No exposed toe
-Some sort of strap to keep it on my foot  
-In (at least) one of our wedding colors (purple, red, green, or orange)
-$60 or less, if possible

Armed with these criteria, I hit the interwebs to look for shoes.

So, obviously, the first pair I absolutely fell in love with meets NONE of the requirements.  (Well, except for the SUPER CUTE.)

Latrice by Kate Spade // Screen Capture via Endless
Oh Latrice.  I was in love with her for a very long time before I finally came to terms with the fact that we just weren't meant to be.  First of all, the colors are slightly off- our green is more of a clover, not a lime, and I don't know if you can tell, but the heel is actually pink.  Clearly there is no strap of any kind, and the heel is too high.  If all that weren't enough...these ladies cost more than my dress :(  Even on sale, they're around $300.  My dress cost $299.  I could not live with myself if I spent more money on my shoes than on my dress, even if they are this gorgeous.  Moving on.

Wowie Zowie heel by Irregular Choice // image via ModCloth
These shoes meet NONE of the requirements.  BUT THEY'RE SO AWESOME.  My "something blue" will be a garter (as soon as I get around to making it...) and I really want my shoes to be in our wedding colors.  I'm still infatuated with these shoes, though I pretty quickly came to terms with the fact that these are not The Wedding Shoes.

Chipper by Fergie
These shoes are HOT.  But also way off the mark when it comes to the rules.  But hey, rules are made to be broken, amirite?  No, actually, I'm not right.  :(  Maybe for another occasion...

But then there was another option...These also broke a few rules, but compensated for that by being free.  (Well, already purchased, anyway.  Which means they don't count towards the wedding budget!)

Photo courtesy Emile Frey Photography
Remember these puppies?  I actually bought them for BM MrsL's wedding last fall.  That's right- they're dye-ables from The Devil - David's Bridal!  Insane, right?  Well, hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day...

I had a chance to try my dress back on recently, so I put on these shoes to see how they'd look.  Because I'm so short and my dress fits so perfectly- I mean PERFECTLY- these 3"-ish heels are simply too tall for that dress.  I tried on a lower heel, just for kicks, and even that didn't look right.

Oh, and before you ask- we forgot to take pictures when I tried it back on :(  But I promise you it looks just as gorgeous as the day I first saw it...and it's all clean and floofy now, too :)

So, Hive, it's been decided- I'm gonna have to wear flats.  :/

Not that you can't find cute flats.  But one of the few advantages to being so darn short is that I can wear really, really tall heels and still be shorter than Mr. Potion.  And those red shoes there?  They are actually super comfortable.  I could stand through a whole wedding, dance through a whole reception, and drive halfway to Disney in these shoes!

Buuuut I won't be.  I'll be in flats.  :/

So, it's time to start searching for cute flats that meet all the other requirements.  Any suggestions?

What shoes did you wear on your wedding day?  Would you prefer white shoes or colored shoes?  What are your requirements for The Wedding Shoes?

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