Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Try Me

Previously, on Miss Potion's Blog:

-My hair kind of sucks
-There are lots of pretty hairstyles out there...I just can't do them
-But that halo braid sure looks pretty...maybe a professional could do it?

So, Potion Mom drove me down to her hair stylist and we crossed our fingers and hoped for the best.

I brought along this photo, including step-by-step instructions from Wedding Chicks.  I wasn't sure if it would seem insulting to a professional hair stylist to bring along a tutorial from the internet for the style I wanted...but she thought it was awesome!

hair by // image via Wedding Chicks
I said in my last post that I was highly skeptical of anyone's ability to make my hair do something as complicated as this and stay that way, professional or not.

Well, Hive, I'm glad to say- I was WRONG!

self portrait with our awesome new camera // {personal photo.  obviously.}
Because I have much less hair than the model's, the braid is thinner and doesn't overlap- it makes it around my head exactly once, the end tucking neatly behind the beginning.

it's hard to get used to manual focus after years of point-and-shoot // {personal photo}
Isn't that cute?  We were pretty shocked that she was able to accomplish this, and asked what the trick was.  Turns out she'd pretty much covered her hands in a pomade-type wax stuff as she was braiding, and added a dab or two as she went, so all the fly-aways were tamed and the hair cooperated.

whoops, out of focus again! // {personal photo}
Just for kicks, I slept in it to see how long it would last.  I got a whole two days out of this baby- probably could've gotten more, but I felt the need to wash my hair.  The only maintenance necessary was the addition of a few bobby pins to keep the tail tucked in!

Several times, my mom pointed out how "it looks like a halo!" to which I replied, "That's why it's called a halo braid." // {personal photo}
On day 2 of the trial run, I tried my dress back on with the veil (and forgot to take pictures.  Bad Bee!).  I stuck the comb of the veil just inside the braid at the back of my head and tossed the blusher over my face- and it looks AWESOME.  We'll probably have to use some bobby pin magic to keep the veil in place during the ceremony, but I won't be wearing it at the reception anyway.

Something about this hairstyle is just so...princess-y.  And therefore bridal, in my world!

So what do you think?  Have you ever tried this hairstyle before?  Do you think it looks bridal?

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